Gitanjali School Begumpet

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Brahman Wadi, Near Begumpt Post Office, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500016, India
040 27768420


Founded in 1985, The Gitanjali Group of Schools was one of the first schools in the country to offer high quality educational value. The Gitanjali Group of Schools has five campuses located in central Hyderabad city. Gitanjali Schools offer values-based education with our unique blend of academics and an abundance of complementary co-curricular activities. Gitanjali Schools have consistently ranked among the top day schools in India for the last five years. In the Education World C-fore survey of the India? Best Day School-2012, Gitanjali School, Hyderabad, has been ranked at No.10. More...

Key Highlights

Rank #1 in Sports Education in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Life Skills Education And Conflict Management in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Parental Involvement in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Value For Education in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Community Service in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Total Score in all schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Competence Of Faculty in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Academic Reputation in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Co Curricular Education in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Sports Education in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Life Skills Education And Conflict Management in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Individual Attention To Students in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Leadership Management Quality in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Parental Involvement in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Value For Education in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Community Service in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Total Score in IGCSE schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Sports Education in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Life Skills Education And Conflict Management in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Parental Involvement in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Value For Education in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Community Service in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Total Score in Co-Educational schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Total Score in Begumpet schools in Hyderabad


Basic Information
Year of Establishment 1985
Year of Recognition N/A
Principal Mrs. Maya Sukumaran
Type Private Unaided, Co-Educational School
Medium English
Class Range 1 - 10
Section(s) Primary with Upper Primary, Secondary And Higher Secondary
Total Enrolment 1600
School Timing N/A
Working Days N/A
Additional Information N/A


Facilities of School
Building Type : Private
Boundary Wall : Pucca
Basic Infrastructure Electricity, Water
Hostel N/A
Library N/A
Computers N/A
Midday Meals N/A
Medical Checkup
Toilet 1 - Boys , 1 - Girls
Handicap /
Sports Facilities Cricket, Football, Swimming, Basketball, Badminton, Tennis, Gym
Extra Curricular Activities The Science Club, Social Service Club, Home Science Club, Dramatics Club, Quiz Club, Cultural Club, National Green Corps, Kids for Tiger


Teaching Information
Students - Teacher N/A
Students - Classroom N/A
Teaching Staff N/A
Teacher Profile Graduates: 85
Classrooms N/A
Classroom Type N/A
Air Conditioned Classes
Smart Classroom Aids



    Admission Details
    Dates N/A
    Procedure 1. Birth certificate (attested copy) Last progress report from the previous school.\n2. A Transfer (Leaving) certificate from a recognized school will be required when admission is granted to classes 2 and above.\n3. If a pupil has come from a different State, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the appropriate Education officer concerned. Only a Transfer Certificate from a recognized school is accepted. If a child has come from different country, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the appropriate officer of the Indian Embassy / Consulate in that country concerned.\n4. If a Transfer Certificate is delayed as a result of being sent for counter signature, a provisional certificate from the previous school may be submitted. Admissions granted will be provisional till a proper Transfer Certificate, duly signed and stamped by the appropriate authority, is submitted.\n5. When a child is admitted on a Transfer Certificate he will not be placed in a class higher than that which the Transfer Certificate shows him to be qualified.\n6. Character certificate from the previous school must be submitted at the time of admission.
    Required Documents Prospective parents must submit the Birth Certificate / Transfer Certificate, or only indisputable evidence of the Date of Birth and the last examination report
    Forms N/A
    Additional Information N/A


    Reviews about school

    tabitha edwin Apr, 22 2014
    Studied at Geetanjali School, Begumpet 1988 to 1993

    Adarsh Reddy Nov, 2 2013
    Good staff .the only problem in the school is its principal (sukku)

    saisree ravuri Dec, 18 2013
    Its an awesome school!!!!!! I love it !!!!!!

    Reeta Jagnani Oct, 22 2013
    It is a awesome school

    A Google User Nov, 23 2012
    Building needs to be better!


    Students & Faculty Details

    Performance Scorecard


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    17.439868 78.458305 17.439868 78.458305 28051000020 Gitanjali_School_Begumpet Begumpet Begumpet IGCSE 28051000020 Hyderabad