Phoenix Greens International School
Board CBSE

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Plot 43, Jayabhery Valley, Adjacent To Cyberabad Police Commissionerate, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
040 64637100


This school follows the CBSE board. The school has English medium. It is Private Unaided, Co-Educational School More...


Basic Information
Year of Establishment N/A
Year of Recognition N/A
Principal N/A
Type Private Unaided, Co-Educational School
Board CBSE
Medium English
Class Range 1 - 12
Section(s) Primary with Upper Primary, Secondary And Higher Secondary
Total Enrolment N/A
School Timing N/A
Working Days N/A
Additional Information N/A


Facilities of School
Building Type : Private
Boundary Wall : Pucca
Basic Infrastructure Electricity, Water
Hostel N/A
Library N/A
Computers N/A
Midday Meals N/A
Medical Checkup
Toilet 1 - Boys , 1 - Girls
Handicap /
Sports Facilities N/A
Extra Curricular Activities N/A


Teaching Information
Students - Teacher N/A
Students - Classroom N/A
Teaching Staff N/A
Teacher Profile N/A
Classrooms N/A
Classroom Type N/A
Air Conditioned Classes
Smart Classroom Aids



    Admission Details
    Dates N/A
    Procedure N/A
    Required Documents N/A
    Forms N/A
    Additional Information N/A


    Reviews about school

    vijaya kumar Apr, 2 2014
    three points that told me entire story - 1 - It was summer - We visited gachibowli campus - watchmen stopped us right after the gate - made us sit in basement - not offered even water - asked us to fill a form for LKG for my younger one and asked us to go to kokapet for our elder kid form submission . Made us wait for another 10 minutes and then asked us to go to third floor lobby and wait there - we did so - and the counseling lady told us that we can submit both admission forms @ gachibowli only - 2 - For a pre primary international school there is not even a nurse available in case if the child is sick. 3 - The school is supported by NRI - IIT , IIM etc - There is no co-ordination , no care , and itsonly a money making machine for its founders . One gandhi got us independence - doesnt mean all gandhi's are alike . Similarly if one international school is good or if one guy from a school is a topper doesnt mean that all international schools are good or your son/daughter will also become a topper if you join him in that school . Children education has become a social status now a days .

    Raji Vasu Jan, 14 2014
    We are new to Hyderabad. I have searched for good school for my children. i found the solution. phoenix greens an International school. My children also feeling they are in a second home. Thanks to Phoenixgreens.

    A Google User Mar, 22 2012
    My 7 year son has been going to this school from last one year. The changes I have noticed in him are just amazing! After he joined Phoenixgreens, there has been a complete turnaround in him. He now has lot of energy and is very very confident now. On top of all this now he loves going to school. We are also seeing more and more of his creative talents. When a school can do such magic to a kid, they deserve my respect and appreciation. I salute Phoenix Greens for the wonderful turnaround of my son. It is truly an amazing school if it can bring about such changes in its students

    A Google User Mar, 22 2012
    The best school to send your child to. It?s a school with the amenities and good extracurricular activities. Above all the child is taken good care of. I am really happy to have chosen this school over other so called international school that drain the parents out. They have a very good transportation facility. Kids of all classes go to this school but the school rules are such that no child is allowed to flaunt their riches, this way the psyche of the kids is leveled

    A Google User Jul, 19 2011
    This is a good school. We like this school in particular because they have a lot of confidence building exercises for the children. My child is getting better after joining here.


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    17.43016 78.371508 17.43016 78.371508 28051000083 Phoenix_Greens_International_School Gachibowli Gachibowli CBSE 28051000083 Hyderabad