St Paul's High School Hyderabad
Board State Board

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3-6-166, Hyderguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500029
040 23222092


St Paul's High School Hyderabad was established in the year 1955. This school follows the State Board. The school has English medium. It is Private Unaided, Co-Educational School More...

Key Highlights

Rank #2 in Teacher Welfare And Development in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Competence Of Faculty in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Academic Reputation in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Co Curricular Education in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Sports Education in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Individual Attention To Students in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Leadership Management Quality in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Infastructure Provision in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Internationalism in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #1 in Special Needs Education in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #3 in Value For Education in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Community Service in State Board schools in Hyderabad
Rank #2 in Total Score in State Board schools in Hyderabad


Basic Information
Year of Establishment 1955
Year of Recognition N/A
Principal Bro. Sudhakar Reddy
Type Private Unaided, Co-Educational School
Board State Board
Medium English
Class Range 1 - 12
Section(s) Primary with Upper Primary, Secondary And Higher Secondary
Total Enrolment N/A
School Timing N/A
Working Days N/A
Additional Information N/A


Facilities of School
Building Type : Private
Boundary Wall : Pucca
Basic Infrastructure Electricity, Water
Hostel N/A
Library N/A
Computers N/A
Midday Meals N/A
Medical Checkup
Toilet 1 - Boys , 1 - Girls
Handicap /
Sports Facilities Table Tennis, Basketball
Extra Curricular Activities Music, Dance, Art


Teaching Information
Students - Teacher N/A
Students - Classroom N/A
Teaching Staff N/A
Teacher Profile N/A
Classrooms N/A
Classroom Type N/A
Air Conditioned Classes
Smart Classroom Aids



    Admission Details
    Dates N/A
    Procedure Admission Process involves an interview of both the student and the parents.
    Required Documents N/A
    Forms N/A
    Additional Information N/A


    Reviews about school

    sharma haritash Jul, 11 2014
    good services from hyderabad to mumbai

    Mohammed Abdul Azeem Jun, 1 2013
    it is the best school in hyderabad.All the Catholic Missionary schools are very good but among Catholic missionary schools "SPHS is Excellent"

    Varun Patalay Oct, 19 2014

    vaveen jud Jul, 12 2014
    well services good services

    george cherian Dec, 20 2012
    It's a very good school to admit your child in. The mgt there focus on the all-round development of the child, something that we hardly get to see these days.


    Students & Faculty Details

    Performance Scorecard


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