Ecole Mondiale World School

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Gulmohur Cross Road No. 9, J.v.p.d. Scheme, Juhu,, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India
022 26237263


The school provides education that is suited to the needs of the individual More...

Key Highlights

Rank #3 in Teacher Welfare And Development in all schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Individual Attention To Students in all schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Parental Involvement in all schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Infastructure Provision in all schools in Mumbai
Rank #1 in Internationalism in all schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Teacher Welfare And Development in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Competence Of Faculty in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Co Curricular Education in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Sports Education in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Life Skills Education And Conflict Management in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Individual Attention To Students in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Leadership Management Quality in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Parental Involvement in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Infastructure Provision in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #1 in Internationalism in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Total Score in IB schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Teacher Welfare And Development in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Competence Of Faculty in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Co Curricular Education in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Life Skills Education And Conflict Management in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Individual Attention To Students in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Leadership Management Quality in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Parental Involvement in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Infastructure Provision in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #1 in Internationalism in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #2 in Total Score in IGCSE schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Teacher Welfare And Development in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Competence Of Faculty in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Individual Attention To Students in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Leadership Management Quality in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Parental Involvement in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #3 in Infastructure Provision in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai
Rank #1 in Internationalism in Co-Educational schools in Mumbai


Basic Information
Year of Establishment 2004
Year of Recognition N/A
Principal Philip Hudson
Type Co-Educational School
Medium English
Class Range 1 - 12
Section(s) Primary with Upper Primary, Secondary And Higher Secondary
Total Enrolment N/A
School Timing N/A
Working Days N/A
Additional Information N/A


Facilities of School
Building Type : Rented
Boundary Wall : Pucca
Basic Infrastructure N/A
Hostel N/A
Library N/A
Computers N/A
Midday Meals N/A
Medical Checkup
Toilet 1 - Boys , 1 - Girls
Handicap /
Sports Facilities N/A
Extra Curricular Activities Histrionics, Classical Dance, Classical Singing


Teaching Information
Students - Teacher N/A
Students - Classroom N/A
Teaching Staff N/A
Teacher Profile Graduates: 200
Classrooms 21
Classroom Type N/A
Air Conditioned Classes
Smart Classroom Aids



    Admission Details
    Dates N/A
    Procedure 1. Students from Grade 2 upwards will sit for an entrance test.\n2. On passing the entrance test, the student and parents will be called for an interview.\n3. An offer letter will be sent to the parents of students who fulfill all requirements which include the forwarding of references from the previous school.
    Required Documents N/A
    Additional Information N/A


    Reviews about school

    Ram Jaane May, 8 2014
    The website says 6 floors. There are only 4. huh

    Abdullah Khanyari Jul, 25 2013

    Ashish Kehair Nov, 2 2013

    Vishal Udeshi Jul, 29 2013


    Students & Faculty Details

    Performance Scorecard


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