Loyola High School Pashan
Board State Board

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Pashan Road, Pashan, Pune, Maharashtra 411008
020 25691661, 9881969734


Loyola High School Pashan was established in the year 1961. This school follows the State Board. The school has English medium. It is Private Aided, Co-Educational School More...


Basic Information
Year of Establishment 1961
Year of Recognition 1963
Principal Fr. Mario Fernandes S.J.
Type Private Aided, Co-Educational School
Board State Board
Medium English
Class Range 5 - 12
Section(s) Upper Primary Secondary And Higher Secondary
Total Enrolment N/A
School Timing 8:30AM to 3:40PM
Working Days 234
Additional Information N/A


Facilities of School
Building Type : Rented
Boundary Wall : Pucca
Basic Infrastructure Electricity, Water
Hostel N/A
Library 20034 Book(s)
Computers 60
Midday Meals N/A
Medical Checkup
Toilet 4 - Boys , 2 - Girls
Handicap /
Sports Facilities N/A
Extra Curricular Activities N/A


Teaching Information
Students - Teacher N/A
Students - Classroom N/A
Teaching Staff 19
Teacher Profile UnderGraduates: 4
Graduates: 7
Post Graduates: 8
Classrooms 16
Classroom Type 16 Black Board(s)
Furniture for all available
Air Conditioned Classes
Smart Classroom Aids



    Admission Details
    Dates N/A
    Procedure 1. Students who have never attended a recognised school before, Required documnets will be filed with the admission form and not returned even when the student leaves the school.2. The Leaving Certificate must be countersigned by the Education Office of that Place.3. The Principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for his actions.
    Required Documents 1. Birth Certificate2. Leaving Certificate
    Forms N/A
    Additional Information 1. A month's notice is required before a boy can be withdrawn from the school, failing which, a month's fee must be paid. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for May. Notice of leaving school must be given before the beginning of holidays, otherwise fees for the first month of the following term will have to be paid.2. Parents or guardians withdrawing a boy from school and intending to enrol him in a school outside Maharashtra State are reminded to have the Leaving Certificate issued by the school countersigned by the Zilla Parishad, Education Officer (V to X) and Administrative Office School Board, Pune Municipal Corporation (Std. I to IV).3. If a duplicate Leaving Certificate is required or if the Original Leaving Certificate is asked for, more than two years after pupil has been withdrawn from the school, a fee of Rs. 50/- will be charged.4. All Certificates - School Leaving, Character, Birth, Bonafide etc. will be issued on the third day after application. The same applies to Concession Forms, Freeship and Scholarship Forms, Application Forms to other institutions or for Public Exams. On no account will they be given on the same day irrespective of the urgency. Please ensure that you apply for such certificates well in time.


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    18.538747 73.821537 27251401714 Loyola_High_School_Pashan Pashan Pashan State Board 27251401714 Pune